Austen Academy, Hampshire
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Planning Approved for new Austen Academy

Noviun are delighted to announce planning has been approved on the new Austen Academy in Hampshire.

The project comprises the development of the former Chineham Primary School in Popley, Basingstoke to form the Austen Academy.

The academy will be a 125 place all-through special needs school with associated car park as well as play areas and sports facilities. The existing Nursery on the site will remain in place.

This new school will be built to meet future demand for places for pupils with special educational needs and will have a focus on children with social and communication difficulties.

This will enable these vulnerable children to be able to access education in a safe and familiar setting to lessen their feelings of anxiety and provide the best learning opportunities to meet their needs.

Executive member for education and skills at the county council, Cllr Stephen Reid said:

The school is required to meet the future demand for places for pupils with a social communication need or autistic spectrum disorder in this area of Hampshire. This facility will reduce the need to place pupils in non-county establishments and avoid transport costs by providing the places close to the area of need.

Once fully operational the school will cater for pupils aged between 4 and 18 years old.

The Austen Academy will form part of a £10 million investment from Hampshire County Council working with the Department for Education to build the school. The school will be operated by the Catch 22 Academy Trust.

Congratulations to the team on this exciting news! The school is due to open in Spring 2021 so keep an eye on our News page for more developments.

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Andy is one of our Managing Directors and is responsible for all aspects relating to developing the practice digital strategy.

Andy is heavily involved in the Information Management delivery within the office and is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the management of information processes within a BIM environment on all projects across the practice.